Managed IT Services Myths Busted
Managed IT services have the power to transform a business. That’s why it’s so surprising that many companies are wary of hiring these services. This hesitation probably has something to do with all the managed IT services negative myths floating around concerning costs, business size, and control. Some of these myths are so widespread that many businesses don’t even give these services a second thought. But these myths – even the ones being parroted day after day – are just that… myths. And this article is here to bust them.
What Are Managed IT Services?
Managed IT services involve outsourcing your IT operations to a team of professionals. This team works round the clock to proactively manage your IT systems. As a result, you don’t have to handle everything in-house. Similarly, you won’t be limited to only calling for help when something goes wrong.
Managed IT services avoid these unfortunate scenarios by providing 24-hour monitoring, management, and maintenance. The specific areas these services tackle include network administration, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and software updates.
Debunking the 6 Most Common Myths About Managed IT Services
Managed IT services receive a lot of attention. However, not all of it is positive. Let’s tackle the negative attention head-on and set the record straight.
Myth No. 1 – Outsourcing IT Will Cost You a Fortune
Let’s be honest – budget is what usually holds businesses back from hiring specific services. In this case, money is the reason some businesses don’t even consider managed IT services. They believe them to be too costly to be a practical option.
However, this simply isn’t the case. Managed IT services are less expensive than hiring an in-house IT staff. Paying each member of this team a salary and acquiring all the necessary third-party tools for their jobs will set you back quite a bit.
In the long run, these services are even more affordable than traditional break/fix services. After all, by the time something breaks, it’s often too late. You’re looking at costly downtime, frustrated employees, and missed opportunities.
Plus, managed IT services come in all shapes and sizes. Thanks to scalable fees and flexible payment options, any business can afford these services.
Myth No. 2 – IT Support Is Only for the Big Leagues
“Why would you need managed IT services; you’re running a small business?!” You’ve probably heard some version of that sentence at least once. And it’s not just that small businesses can’t afford managed IT services. According to the naysayers, they don’t need them because they have fewer resources and staff. But even if these smaller businesses look for a managed service provider, no one will want to partner up with them. These providers only work with giant corporations.
Here’s what we have to say to these three claims – wrong, wrong, and super wrong. As explained, small businesses can afford managed IT services. They also need them because these services help level the playing field. They ensure small businesses can focus on growth without worrying about technical inefficiencies. As for providers, they work with businesses of all sizes. So, managed IT services aren’t reserved for huge corporations, growing enterprises, or industry giants. They’re only reserved for smart businesses.
Myth No. 3 – Handing Over IT Means Giving Up Control
The moment you hire a managed IT services provider, you lose all control of your IT operations. This team will now manage everything without your input and even make your business’s IT decisions moving forward. Well, at least that’s what some people believe. The reality is completely different.
The truth is that you decide how much control you want to give up. You can define – and customize – this level of control through your managed IT services agreement. This agreement clearly outlines your provider’s scope of responsibilities. No trustworthy provider will go beyond this scope.
Myth No. 4 – Your Data Is Safer In-House
One of the main reasons businesses choose to invest in managed IT services is to improve their data security. That’s why it’s baffling that some people associate outsourcing IT with high cybersecurity risks. Now, not trusting a third party with your sensitive data is understandable to some extent. But again – managed IT services providers get hired precisely to protect your data. So, you would think they will make this task their priority. And the best among them do.
These providers are experts in defending against modern threats like ransomware and insider breaches. This allows them to defend your data against malicious actors. If you’re still worried about handing your data over to another company, remember one thing. These professionals are bound by a contract. Plus, they wouldn’t exactly go too far by breaking the trust of their clients, so you expect top-notch confidentiality from them.
Myth No. 5 – Outsourcing IT Creates More Chaos Than Clarity
Outsourcing any service often comes with the same fear – it will be more disruptive than beneficial. Some employees have trouble keeping up with different roles and responsibilities as-is. Now, imagine what would happen if you introduced a whole new team, process, and technology into the mix.
Any change will take some time to get used to. That much is true. However, once this transition period is over, the benefits become clear. Thanks to fewer IT disruptions and expert support at hand, your team will work better than ever. Plus, even the transition period can be quick and painless, provided you hire the right service provider.
Myth No. 6 – Any IT Partner Will Do
The last myth doesn’t refer to managed IT services per se. It refers to their providers. Once companies cut through all the noise surrounding managed IT services, they tend to hire the first provider they find. After all, they offer the same expertise and services, right? Well, not quite.
In reality, most managed IT services providers are widely different. They offer different services, prices, and delivery models. Some of them specialize in certain niches, like cloud services. Others can cover all your IT needs. That’s not to mention how different providers are in the support and flexibility they offer. That’s why you should thoroughly research your potential IT partners and only consider those who prioritize excellence.
The Truth Is Out
If your company is based in Houston, Stargel Office Solutions will show you just how wrong every myth about managed IT services is. Contact us today to see for yourself.